MDC-T plays into Zanu PF handsCHIEF REPORTER - Sep 23 2011 09:09 |
The MDC-T is blundering by urging party youths to rise up against the infamous Mbare-based suspected Zanu PF outfit, Chipangano, which has been unleashing untold violence and seizing council property in Harare with impunity, analysts said on Thursday.
Although there was confusion over Chipangano activities, with Zanu PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo disowning the activists but secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa vowing to defend the group, analysts believe the former ruling party has on its side the State security apparatus, an advantage that makes them “unbeatable in violence”.
The call to rise against the extremist political group was made by MDC-T national vice-chairperson Morgan Komichi during the burial of party founding member Diamond Karanda at Warren Hills Cemetery on Tuesday. He told party youths to “rise up in your thousands and help Harare”, accusing the police of failing to defend the populace.
National Constitutional Assembly chairperson Lovemore Madhuku on Thursday said Komichi’s call was out of order as he should be preaching tolerance and peace.
“Komichi is living in the past,” Madhuku said.
“He is behaving like a political dinosaur. He should not be preaching the politics of violence. He should be talking the politics of free and fair elections and accepting results. MDC-T should be engaging Chipangano because they are not animals, they are people. There is need to talk to Zanu PF and Chipangano and convince them to desist from violence.”
Political analyst Charles Mangongera also said MDC-T would have chosen the wrong path if the party retaliates against the Zanu PF violence.
He said the party did not have the capacity to match Zanu PF and risked being obliterated if it chose the path of violence.
“One of the values of the MDC as a social democratic party is non-violence. That is a value that has appealed to a very huge population because for nearly three decades of Zanu PF rule, people have been used to violence,” Mangongera said.
“People still expect that the MDC should act in a non-violent manner. The party has gained so much ground using peaceful means and if they adopt the ‘eye-for-an-eye’ approach, they risk losing that ground. Remember, Zanu PF has the police, the army and the intelligence service. They cannot be beaten at that game because it is within their DNA. Actually they (MDC-T) will be playing into Zanu PF’s hands if they chose that route.”
Analyst Blessing Vava said Komichi’s sentiments were disturbing, more so, because they were made during the week World Peace Day was celebrated.
Vava said Zanu PF would likely use these statements to crack down on the MDC-T, and defend themselves as justification for their action during Sadc summits.
“It seems it was a statement uttered out of emotions without proper thinking. Zanu PF is provoking MDC and if they respond, they will be crushed because they do not have the machinery and capacity,” he said.
Vava said the principals in the inclusive government were trying to promote peace and party officials should follow suit.
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