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The chameleon; Jonathan Moyo's sexual orientation highly questionable |
By Blessing Vava
The state broadcaster, ZBC never ceases to amaze me. Every night we are subjected to vitriolic and biased analysis from their so-called analysts especially in the mould of acerbic former junior minister of Information and Publicity Professor Jonathan Moyo. After watching him comment on the Prime Minister’s address to parliament on Tuesday I was left with no option but to pen this article.
Commenting on the Prime Minister’s remarks on corruption that those involved in corrupt activities should be investigated, the visibly angry Moyo dismissed the premier’s remarks accusing the latter of ‘double dipping’ and also suggesting the he should be arrested for corruption. He has been saying it in most of his many boring writings in the state owned Sunday Mail. Those who know him can testify that he writes a lot usually when he is drinking whisky. However it is quite surprising how corrupt people like Moyo are now acting as if they are saints while their involvement in corrupt and criminal activities is well documented. He is being loud for nothing and I feel this is the time to silence poisonous tongued people like him.
In 1993, while working for an American organization called the Ford Foundation in Nairobi Kenya, as a program’s director, Moyo is alleged to have embezzled close to $88 000 before he fled to South Africa running away from arrest. As they say old-habits die hard, the naughty (or is it nutty) Professor was at it again, this time while working on a project entitled The Future of the African Elite sponsored by the W.K Kellogg Foundation at WITS University, Moyo is alleged to have absconded from the project after pocketing close to a million rands meant as a research grant for the project. This is a man whose history of corruption is in the public domain but it is quite surprising how he is portraying as if he himself is a saint while reports indicate he is a wanted man in these two countries for corruption. So my advice to Moyo is to keep quiet, you cannot run away from the wheels of justice. You can run away, but you cannot hide, you know that the arm of the law is long and very soon they will get you. And your ambitions of becoming president would be doomed. Shame! Corrupt, uncouth and dishonest people like Moyo should never be allowed anyway near public office. Mugabe tried it in 2000, when he appointed him the information minister and it was indeed a disaster he regrets till he sees his grave.
Zimbabweans should never forgive you for killing our media. Moyo is the biggest sanction Mugabe inflicted to the people of Zimbabwe, apart from of course Mugabe himself. We indeed suffered during his time. The reason why millions of Zimbabweans are no longer watching ZTV is because of people like Moyo. How can we be proud of watching SABC when we have our own ZTV? Everything he touches turns to rust and hope Mr Mugabe is aware. Because of his unpopular media reforms and propaganda through music ZANU PF lost an incredible number of voters. He goes down in history as the most hated minister, if not person in the history of this country. This is the same man who spent about $2 million during his 468-day stay at the Sheraton Harare Hotel in 2000, working first as a Constitutional Commission spokesperson and later as Zanu PF election campaign manager on tax payers money. Moyo’s actions are nothing but compensatory behaviour of trying to redeem his contaminated image after holding secret meetings with American diplomats ravaging the president left, right, centre and from the rear. Moyo should be ashamed of his chameleonic behaviour; yesterday you are ZANU PF, today UP and tomorrow MDC and you expect people to take you seriously. NO. Shame how you spend your academic energy writing long, boring propaganda articles attacking the premier; you are a big disgrace to the academic fraternity. As a true academic we expect to see quality work, not those directionless, long articles with nothing more than personal attacks directed to MDC leaders.
After reading your two journals, Voting for Democracy (1992), The politics of administration: understanding bureaucracy (1992), I’m left wondering if this is still the brilliant academic who has now reduced himself to a newspaper columnist whose writings are nowhere near that of an academic, worse a whole Professor. Opinion pieces which do not even deserve space in a letters to the editor section in any serious newspaper world over. His obsession with the PM’s bedroom affairs is as if he is an embittered ditched lover. The world now will be left with no option but to question Jonathan Moyo’s sexual orientation which for long has been highly questionable. We deserve something better. If Moyo has a conscience which i believe he lacks he should be ashamed of himself. Zvazviri!
Blessing Vava is from Chipinge and he can be contacted on blessingvava@gmail.com
*Please acknowledge that this article was sourced from www.blevava.blogspot.com
*Please acknowledge that this article was sourced from www.blevava.blogspot.com